State of enterprise WordPress 2023

You have been invited to participate in the State of enterprise WordPress survey, which will help us identify how major organisations across the world are currently using WordPress.

Findings from the survey will form the basis of an upcoming report - State of enterprise WordPress 2023 - which will share meaningful insights and data on how the platform best serves large-scale brands, and how it can be improved.
Please be assured that the data you provide will be aggregated and anonymised for complete confidentiality.

Thank you for your time and valued feedback.

Section 1 - About your organisation

Email address (optional)

Company name *

Where is your organisation primarily based? *

Which sector does your organisation operate in? *

What team/department are you in? *

Does your organisation use any other CMS / DXP in addition to WordPress? *

Section 2 - Using WordPress

How does your organisation use WordPress? *

Is your organisation using WordPress as a headless CMS? *

How long has your organisation used WordPress? *

How frequently does your organisation publish content with WordPress? *

Which WordPress editor/s do you use? *

Does the WordPress block editor make it easier than the classic editor for you to create and publish content?

Are there any areas of WordPress that you find difficult/frustrating to use? *

Approximately how many people in your organisation use the WordPress CMS to create/edit content? *

Is your WordPress system integrated with any of the following? *

What custom functionality does your WordPress solution have? *

Does your organisation contribute to open source WordPress projects? *

Section 3 - Choosing WordPress

Which department was the key decision maker when it came to choosing WordPress? *

How important were the following factors in choosing WordPress over other solutions? *
Not Important Quite Important Very Important
Open source
Multilingual capabilities
Multisite capabilities



Open source





Multilingual capabilities

Multisite capabilities

Were there any other key reasons why your organisation chose WordPress? *

Section 4 - Costs and maintenance

What was the approximate set up/design and build cost of your current WordPress solution? *

Does that cost cover ongoing maintenance? *

Do you have an in-house engineering team that manages your WordPress system?This question is required.* *

Where do you host your WordPress site(s)? *

Please indicate which price range your monthly hosting costs falls within *

Do you monetize your WordPress sites? *

Do you feel that your WordPress site is delivering return on investment, either in terms of revenue generation or time and resource savings? *

Section 5 - Looking ahead

Would you like to see any additions or improvements made to core WordPress? *

Are there any other features / improvements you’d like to see on the roadmap? *

Do you foresee that your organisation will continue to use WordPress? *

How likely is it that you would recommend WordPress to other enterprise organisations? *